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Here is the list of our amazing natural herbal tonics.

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NatruSinus supports the normal function of the mucous membranes, strengthens the immune system and helps to normalize all cell functions.

It helps the body to remove any foreign substance efficiently without any allergic type symptoms.

NatruSinus clears up chronic and acute sinus problems, hay fever and colds. Unlike other nasal products, it functions by supporting and strengthening a number of organs and systems such as the immune system and liver, helping the body to correct most causes of nasal problems.

Patients are usually prescribed antibiotics, antihistamines and decongestants to relieve symptoms of allergies and sinusitis. These drugs do not cure, but temporarily relieve the symptoms, and both of these treatments have adverse side effects, the worst of which are due to improper use. Decongestants mimic a hormone produced by the adrenal gland, which acts on the nervous system to constrict the vessels of the peripheral blood supply, including the nose. This is the same hormone that is released when someone is angry or afraid. No decongestant has a sustained effect; it must be used repeatedly. Too much use eventually causes damage to the hormonal system leading to masculinity in girls and women, infertility in women, feminization in boys, impotence in men, high blood pressure and obesity.

NatruSinus clears the sinuses without any side effects. This helps the body to become strong enough to remove whatever it is that is causing the constant mucus production, so that it remains continuous when the passages are clear and breathing.

NatruSinus, 1 month supply, R294.


A natural remedy that repairs the underlying causes of unsightly and painful skin conditions. As a tonic it restores liver function, improves the metabolism and it stimulates all the glands into proper function including the spleen and by doing so is healing the reasons why you have a skin problem. This remedy clears the complexion. Natruskin can be used for acne, psoriasis, dry eczema and is excellent for removing pimples during puberty.

 Skin problems are often an outer reflection of internal problems and must be treated as such. Our skin is one of the four main organs responsible for the excretion of waste products, so when there is a skin dysfunction the other organs of excretion become stressed; these being the kidneys, the lungs and the bowels. NatruSkin supports the function of excretion, thereby reducing any added stress on these organs while the skin is repaired. Another cause of skin problems is a hormonal imbalance in which case your doctor usually prescribes `the pill'. The pill may have other undesired effects and is not repairing the problem as it has to be taken permanently. Natruskin repairs and strengthens the hormonal system which helps the body to repair the imbalance and the skin condition improves.

The  problem with antibiotic treatment is that antibiotics disrupt the friendly bacteria that exist on our skin which help protect the skin against other micro-organisms. It is best to heal the underlying cause of your skin condition with Natruskin to get long-term relief, instead of getting short-term relief with drugs such as antibiotics, hormones and suppressive creams.

Natruskin, 1 month supply, R278 .

Natru System Cleanse

Made from whole plants that are known to kill parasites; including Candida, worms and harmful bacteria. 

A person that is overweight often has internal parasites. Parasites can be visible such as worms or invisible to the naked eye such as single-celled parasites like bacteria. There are two reasons that these organisms alter our metabolisms and affect our weight loss.

Firstly, the organisms themselves give off toxic waste which is poisonous to our system. This overburdens our excretory organs such as the liver, kidneys and lungs. Secondly, the parasite creates an on-going immune response within our system which causes our tissues to swell up. Just like being stung by a bee can cause an enormous swelling which has nothing to do with fat tissue, the presence of parasites can cause our insides to swell which make us feel and look fat.

It is difficult to imagine that we have internal parasites when we maintain a good standard of living, but it is easy to become infected by parasites. For example, fruit and vegetables have microscopic larvae, pets carry numerous parasites that are easily transmitted, meat and fish that are not thoroughly cooked are a common source of infection. Antibiotics or low immunity can lead to candida, and we are constantly exposed to numerous bacteria which can cause infection. 

Natru System Cleanse is an effective blend of potent traditional botanicals that free up the body's own energy for repair and restoration, and speeds up weight loss.


Natru System Cleanse, 1 month supply, R255.



Repairs the water balancing and detoxification systems in the body which results in a disappearance of cellulite, and it helps you to lose weight easier and faster too. Do you find that suddenly your weight goes up for no reason, or you can't lose weight no matter how much dieting or exercise you do, this can be due to water retention and Natrurinec will make sure that this does not happen by repairing the reason why it does.

Or have you found that even though you have lost weight you still have cellulite, around the thighs or upper arms. Cellulite is simply a combination of stored toxins and excess fluid in the tissues. Natrurinec is an effective way to remove cellulite by supporting the detoxification and water balancing systems.

An added benefit is that Natrurinec will help to speed up your weight loss as well as remove stubborn cellulite. Your energy levels will improve as your body efficiently filters out any impurities from your bloodstream. Swollen ankles, puffiness under the eyes, lower back pain, bloatedness and cellulite are all remedied by Natrurinec.

Natrurinec is a cleansing combination that provides what the body needs to strengthen and repair the whole urinary system. It supports the hormonal glands that produce and balance water in the body. This herbal tonic improves the immune system, balances hormones and gives physical strength to weakened organs, resulting in normal water balance in the body.


So no matter what the reason for your excess fluid Natrurinec will help to restore a proper water balance without the negative side effects of diuretic water tablets, helping you to lose weight in situations where it has become difficult to do so and get you cellulite-free!


Natrurinec, 1 month supply, R285.

Natru Fat Loss Accelerator 


Repairs and strengthens the liver, gall bladder and pancreas. It specifically assists in the removal of excess fat, in men and women, and it does this by assisting in proper and efficient fat metabolism. It is especially useful if you have decided to follow the Banting high protein and fat - low carb diet, as it will prevent any harmful effects from eating too much protein and fat by assisting proper digestion and ketosis (the use of fat instead of sugar for energy) and it will speed up your fat loss.

Fats are extremely important for proper body function. Each and every cell in the body has a membrane made from fat, our nervous system is reliant on fats to maintain proper conductivity and all hormones are made from fats. This means we need to be able to access and metabolize fats in our diets properly so that we can maintain good health without putting on weight. When the fat metabolism of the body is dysfunctional, especially the production of bile due to unhealthy liver and pancreas function, we gain weight due to hormonal imbalances, water retention and other problems, and we develop a deficiency in the fat soluble vitamins like A, E and D.  This has many negative effects, especially on our eyesight, immune system and, of course, our waist. This means that using a product to interfere with the body's use of fat has negative effects, so Natru Fat Loss Accelerator is your best option to burn fat fast and prevent fat gain without side effects.

Repairing and improving the fat metabolic process is the best way to prevent excess fat production and will help to suppress the appetite because your body will efficiently use the fats, thereby reducing hunger. If you have a lot of fat around your belly area (apple shaped) it is one of the symptoms of metabolic disorder and insulin resistance and the Natru Fat Loss Accelerator is the healthiest product to use to burn off belly fat as it repairs the cause.

The problem with eating fat is that as we get older and the more chemicals we are exposed to the less able the body becomes at metabolizing the fats we eat, so we start to develop excess fat tissue in areas where it is not needed and more dangerously in and around our internal organs and in our blood vessels.

 Natru Fat Loss Accelerator is the only product on the market that repairs and strengthens the function of the pancreas.

In addition to producing insulin, the pancreatic juice contains enzymes that break down proteins, carbohydrates and fats, so a proper functioning pancreas is essential for easy, healthy and fast weight loss.

Natru Fat Loss Accelerator will help you to shed fat fast without side effects, and with the improvement of your health as a whole, because it repairs the whole fat metabolic system so that the fat you lose will stay off.


Natru Fat Loss Accelerator, one month supply - R299

Save R345 - Buy 1 Natru for slimmers R345 and 1 Natru Fat Loss Accelerator R299 and get a free Natru for slimmers - R644

Save R299 - Buy 2 months supply of Natru Fat Loss Accelerator and get a 3rd Natru Fat Loss Accelerator free - R598

Save R732 - buy 3 Natru Fat Loss Accelerator and 3 Natru for slimmers (normal price R1932) - R1200



Painful and inflamed joints can be due to a deposit of uric acid crystals in the joints due to the kidneys being unable to fully remove the circulating uric acid either, because the amount of uric acid is too high from toxicity or a diet high in proteins, or because the kidneys are damaged and are unable to filter the blood properly.


There is another aspect to joint pain in that in can be due to rheumatism, an auto-immune condition. The body's immune system falters and it loses the ability to differentiate between foreign cells and it's own tissue cells, so it can actually start attacking its own tissues like the cartilage around the joints, setting up a chronic inflammatory situation.


Taking anti-inflammatories and painkillers do not help in any way to remove the cause of the joint pain, they just suppress the sensation of pain and the body's immune response. These drugs have side effects, particularly on the hormonal system and liver function, which compounds the joint problem in the long run, 

Natrujoints supports the immune system  to prevent auto-immune activity, repairs the liver and the function of the kidneys to flush out excess uric acid. It also helps to repair the tissue in the damaged  joints.

Natrujoints, 1 month supply, R298.

Natru Booster


Helps you to get slim faster because it shifts metabolism from fat production to muscle development. Enjoy your carbs guilt-free with this booster that shifts your metabolism to burn carbohydrates to fuel daily activities instead of storing it as fat. Get lean and slim easily and naturally with Natru Booster.

Natru Booster intensifies the natural  function of enzymes in the body which helps you to lose fat tissue noticeably, and without the negative side effects of stimulants. The increase rate in this transformation takes place because the natural processes are given a helping hand by Natru Booster to do the job more efficiently.

While eating a normal balanced diet, your transformation from fat to lean and slim takes place effortlessly. 

Natru Booster enhances the effect of “the master antioxidant,” which enhances the immune system and increases energy. It acts as an antioxidant that neutralizes free radicals and prevents cellular damage. It is needed for the body to be able to properly use the other antioxidants such as vitamin E, vitamin C, selenium and vitamin A. It helps the liver remove chemicals that are foreign to the body, such as drugs and pollutants. It also assists other vital biochemical functions such as energy utilization, immune system activity, detoxification and disease prevention.

Natru Booster, made from whole plants, has antioxidant, anti-inflammatory, anticancer, and neuroprotective properties, and helps you to lose weight in otherwise difficult conditions.

Natru Booster, 1 month supply, R355.


May be safely used to reduce tension and anxiety whilst at the same time strengthens the nervous system. Not addictive. The metabolic response to stress is to release the hormones cortisol and adrenaline.


Chronic stress results in maintained high levels of these hormones which have a huge negative impact on the normal function of the body, one of the results is an increase in weight and insulin resistance. All the hormones in the body effect each other. A high level of one hormone triggers a message to the hormonal gland to stop producing it and increase the production of another hormone, so levels of all hormones are inextricably linked. By supporting one hormonal gland there is a knock-on effect that will improve the levels of all the other hormones too.


Natrusoothe helps to calm the system naturally, normalizing hormone levels and makes losing weight attainable in otherwise difficult circumstances.

Natrusoothe, 1 month supply, R230.



Helps the liver to break down cholesterol to prevent deposits of excess cholesterol in the blood vessels.


It supports and normalizes the function of the gland responsible for the stress and water balancing hormones which has a positive effect on chronically abnormal blood pressure levels.There are two main reasons why a persons suffers with their blood pressure: high cholesterol levels and a hormonal imbalance.

NatruHeart also strengthens and supports the heart.


Natruheart, 1 month supply, R 265.



is a natural remedy that produces an aversion to tobacco. It is much better than using a nicotine replacement because it is the nicotine that one is addicted to, so you are not really giving up by substituting cigarettes with another form of the same drug. Nicotine has a very powerful effect on the hormonal system, so when you give up smoking, your whole hormonal system becomes unbalanced which can lead to irritability, increased appetite and weight gain.

A unique feature of Natrubreathe is that it repairs the damage that your body has incurred due to long-term smoking, such as, to the heart, hormonal system and lungs. It also supports the nervous system, minimizing difficult withdrawal symptoms. A stronger nervous system makes you better able to cope with stress, so it becomes easier not to resort to the crutch of a cigarette, and by supporting the hormonal system it helps to prevent overeating and weight gain.

Natru for smokers improves your whole health as well as repairing the side effects you have developed from tobacco, so it helps you to overcome all the negative effects of giving up cigarette smoking. 

Natrubreathe is a natural holistic remedy that helps you to quit on a number of levels, helping you to give up smoking with ease. 

Natrubreathe , 1 month supply, R290.


NatruVen helps with varicose veins and broken capillaries visible on the skin by healing the whole condition that has contributed to their development.

Varicose veins and broken capillaries (spider veins) develop due to the walls of the blood vessels losing their strength and elasticity. This can be due to standing for too long, not getting enough exercise, nutritional deficiency, being overweight or poor circulation.

NatruVen has an astringent function, toning the tissue of the blood vessels helping the varicose veins to contract. It strengthens the heart and thereby improves circulation, helps to reduce excess weight and also helps to heal the damaged tissue to reduce risk of blood vessel blockage.

NatruVen also has the following actions:

  • Strengthens the heart and thereby improves circulation.

  • Reduces excess weight to reduce the strain on the veins

  • Repairs damaged tissue which results in pain free, smooth and beautiful legs.


NatruVen, 1 month supply, R325.

Natruboost® Herbs for Men


Natruboodt® tones and strengthens the male reproductive system. It is an essential aid for potent sexual performance. Helps to prolong the erection and prevent premature ejaculation. Increases sperm production. Normalizes the prostate.


Also improves general energy and mood.

Natruboost®, 1 month supply, R295.

Save R295, buy three for R590.


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